After studying fine art, fashion textiles, and environmental science in Paris and London, Dommanget now divides his time between Berlin and Tokyo. His body of work includes a series that combines the digital domain, including 3D CG sculptures and collages, with his own distinctive, substantial medium of lenticular printing. Another important series is a progression of works that combine graffiti with the Japanese paper marbling technique that is over 1,000 years old to create vibrant and contemporary mineral patterns on the canvas.
- 1988
- Born in Champagne, France
- 2009-11
- BA Fashion Design at ENSAAMA Olivier de Serres, Paris, FR
- 2012-14
- MA Fine Art at UAL Central Saint Martins School, London, UK
- 2016-17
- co-manager at art-space STATE OF THE ART, Berlin, DE
- 2022
- Fashion Capsule Spring/Summer — Muze Gallery, Tokyo, JP
ADIDAS — curated by Nori / Calm&Punk gallery, Adidas Original store Harajuku Tokyo, JP - 2021
- B1(Ultra)Safe — Anagra Gallery, Tokyo, JP
Valentin Dommanget Exhibition — Muze Gallery, Tokyo, JP
P.O.N.D. — Parco / Gallery X, Shibuya Tokyo, JP - 2020
- Collection David Brolliet — Fondation Fernet-Branca, Saint-Louis, FR
- 2019
- À (re)voir sans modération — at Triangle Bleu, Stavelot, BE
Artist Residency — La Palmeraie, Bouskoura, MA
Low Res — Rue de Tanger, Casablanca, MA - 2018
- Bienvenue.Art — with Lily Robert at Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, FR
Valentin Dommanget
IRL vs IG #RunicEmpowerment,
2021lenticular print HD and wooden frame
L60 x H84

Valentin Dommanget
IRL vs IG #DragonStrike,
2021lenticular print HD and wooden frame
L60 x H84

Valentin Dommanget
Digital Stretcher Studies NewGenNano4,
2021acrylic spray & pigments solutions on canvas stretched on wood
50 x 50 x 10 cm

Valentin Dommange
Adidas The Original Harajuku commission,
2022lenticular print high definition - alumium frame light box
200 x 150 cm

Valentin Dommange
Digital Stretcher Studies X6,
2014acrylic spray & pigments solutions on canvas stretched on wood
93 x 85 x 10 cm

Valentin Dommanget
Digital Stretcher Studies #,
2014acrylic spray & pigments solutions on canvas stretched on wood
140 x 170 x 10 cm